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Treatment of high pressure in the brain and eyes - treatment of the seventh and fifth nerves - treatment of cases of brain atrophy in children - cases of muscle tension, muscle atrophy and loss of sensation.
Adult psychiatry:
Psychotic illnesses - Schizophrenia of all kinds - Delusional thinking disorder - Five senses disorder (Hallucinations) - Early diagnosis of Schizophrenia - Transformation disease (shifting the physical presentation of mental illness) - Psychosomatic diseases - False mental illness claims - Diseases of loss of control – Severe tantrums - Kleptomania - Sexual disorders - Impotence - Premature ejaculation - Homosexuality - Pyromania - Eating disorders - Insomnia - Weight loss obsession - Narcolepsy - Nightmares - Sleepwalking - Sleep apnea - Death and disease anxiety.
The field of addiction treatment for all ages:
Treatment of all types of addiction - Prevention of addictive causes - Treatment of drug side effects - Treatment of psychological effects of addiction - Family counseling for the addict - Treatment of sexual disorders resulting from addiction.
Personality disorders:
Suspicious personality - Lonely personality - Schizophrenic-like personality - Antisocial personality - Depressed personality - Obsessive personality - Hysterical personality - Volatile personality.
Psychiatry for aging from the age of 65 and over:
Dementia of all kinds - Memory disorders - Follow-up of brain function disorders with age - Depression and sleep disorders with age.
Child psychiatry from one year to 18 years:
IQ disorders in children - Developmental delay (walking - speech - movement) - Autism and Social Communication Disorder - Hyperactivity and attention deficit - in children - stubbornness disorder - violent child - night urination when Children - Depression in children - Learning difficulties - Delayed speech and stuttering - Convulsions in children - Anxiety about children - Behavioral disorder in children (lying - stealing - violence) - Forgetting and lack of focus.
The field of psychotherapy:
Cognitive therapy -Static therapy - Group therapy – Family therapy - Psychoanalysis - Supportive therapy - Psychotherapy for addiction patients.